The Only App connecting Animal Owners With Their Vet Practice and Animal Remedy Store

Animal Owners Can subscribe To Their Vet Practice
Allows A Client - Patient - Practice Relationship to Exist
Book Appointments With A Few Clicks
Request Vet Advice for Animal Treatments
Select An Animal Remedy Store To Pick Up Prescription
Message Your Practice Regarding A Query

About us

VetPal is an app/website designed to allow animal owners to directly connect with the veterinary practice who provide the primary veterinary care, responsibility and service to their animal(s).

VetPal allows for a Client-Patient -Practice-Relationship to exist. (CPPR). Animal owners can do this remotely by booking appointments via the app or messaging the veterinary practice regarding a query. In addition to this, the app allows the client to request a Veterinary prescription from the veterinarian for an animal medicine they recommend for the animal under their care- to benefit the animal’s health and welfare.

VetPal will also allow the attending veterinary practitioner to liaise with the animal owner/keeper on request of animal treatment needed. The app will also allow the owner of their animal(s) to share information regarding their animal(s) through the app so that the attending veterinary practitioner will have sufficient knowledge of the animal(s), herd or flock in question and will allow prudent prescribing practice.

With just A Few Clicks.....
The app that allows you to book appointments with your vet before you forget.

Animal Owners

  • Subscribe to your Vet Practice
  • Message Vet practice with queries
  • Book appointments with a few clicks
  • Request vet advice and treatments
  • Request prescriptions for collection

Vet Practices

  • Approve Client requests
  • Confirm client appointments
  • Access personal client messages instantly
  • Assign prescriptions to designated vet
  • Practice calendar timetable
  • Access to a Vet only newsfeed channel


  • Create Personal Vet account
  • Affiliate with more than one vet practice
  • Prescription Portal allowing prescribing/dispensing and record keeping.
  • Access to newsfeed channel to see up to date job offers, locus work etc

Try Our Mobile App

Download our app today and register your profile. Subscribe to your vet practice and enjoy building a Client-Patient-Practice-Relationship.